Unique Clothing Warehouse, also known as Uniqlo, was originally founded in Hiroshima, Japan in 1984 by Tadashi Yanai. After years of working at his father's tailoring shop, Yanai sensed his father’s shop was trending downward, and instead of going down with the ship, opened Unique Clothing Warehouse, a place where people could buy casual basics instead of dressy garments. After starting the business, Yanai began to travel to Europe and the United States to research other casual clothing chains such as Gap. Yanai became inspired by Gap CEO Mickey Drexler’s path to success—private label clothing and a large scale physical retail presence. It’s this strategy that led to Uniqlo’s massive success. Much to Yanai’s pleasure, the brand has since been described as “Gap for millennials.” While Uniqlo’s basics are loved by consumers far and wide, it's the collaborations that catch the attention of those in the know. For years, Uniqlo has collaborated with Kaws, Keith Haring, Engineered Garments and many more.
What does Uniqlo mean?
Uniqlo is an abbreviation of the brand's original name Unique Clothing Warehouse.
Who is Uniqlo owned by?
Uniqlo is owned by the parent company Fast Retailing, which is owned by Uniqlo’s original founder Tadashi Yanai.
Is Uniqlo made in China?
Some Uniqlo products are made in China.