In a world full of hyped-up Demnas and Rubchinskiys, a cursory read marks Arc’teryx Veilance as just a quiet voice in the crowd. With a suitably-Byzantine “high fashion” nameplate and inaccessible price tag ($1800 jackets; $300 wallets), anything short of a try-on blends Veilance right into the luxury market—although, perhaps like with everything Arc’teryx, this is simply by design.

Among fashion cognoscenti and inauspicious millionaires alike, Arc’teryx Veilance (pronunciation: Arc·Tair·Icks Vay·Lens) has captivated imaginations by packing Everest summit tech into understated menswear staples that feel just as at home on Fifth Ave. In fewer words: Veilance stands out by simply fitting in. However, unlike its peers in Paris and Milan, the story of Veilance starts in a Vancouver basement.

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