The True Cost: The Best Supreme Box Logo T-Shirts and Hoodies to Invest In
The True Cost: The Best Supreme Box Logo T-Shirts and Hoodies to Invest In
- Words Grailed Team
- Date August 4, 2020
There’s no denying that Supreme is the dominant brand in our marketplace—not to mention a brand with worldwide demand. A crucial player in building and maintaining the secondary streetwear (or, broadly speaking, “hype”) economy, there’s really no other brand on Earth quite like Supreme.
Supreme’s unique ability to plaster its signature Box Logo on just about anything (while still feeling authentic and on-brand) is what makes it one-of-a-kind. From apparel to a literal brick, there’s virtually nothing that can’t host the Barbara Krueger-inspired branding. Of course, when it comes to Supreme and its Box Logo the real treasures are the Box Logo T-shirts and Hoodies. Guaranteed to cause a frenzy (and, in earlier years, maybe a site-shutdown) on drop day, while Supreme has a long history and wide variety of well-hyped garments, nothing is more lusted-after than its Box Logo-bearing gear.
While the classic design is a white T-shirt or heather grey hoodie base with the signature “white lettering-on-red rectangle (or, box)” logo, this Supreme signature has been recolored, reworked and used as a canvas for store openings, collaborations and charitable initiatives (like 2020’s COVID-19 relief Box Logo T-shirt created in partnership with artist Takashi Murakami).
Part of Supreme’s charm is its accessibility—especially when it comes to price. While most “designer” brands set initial retail prices in hundreds or thousands, Supreme keeps prices moderately affordable (at least at retail). As long as you’re lucky enough to buy from Supreme directly, most shoppers will find that Supreme is—generally speaking (there’s always exceptions)—fairly reasonable when compared to other streetwear brands.
Ironically, this is also why Supreme has become such a mainstay in the resell market; low upfront costs—combined with Supreme’s notorious practice of producing items in limited quantities—means that buying Supreme to flip on the aftermarket has the possibility huge return on investment (or ROI, for you wannabe finance bros). Given the budget-friendly retail prices (currently, T-shirts go for around $38 and hoodies go for about $168—depending on the item) and sheer global demand for Supreme’s Box Logo T-shirts and Hoodies above almost any other garment it produces, Box Logo drops aren’t just highly desired by fans of Supreme, it’s also one of the easiest ways to make a killing on Supreme resale.
On Grailed, the average resale price of a Box Logo T-shirt (when compiling all styles, seasons and conditions) is $292. Naturally, with a higher starting price, hoodies go for a little more. On Grailed, the average resale price of a Box Logo hoodie (when compiling all styles, seasons and conditions) is $514.
Of course, with so many Box Logos across Supreme’s more than 25 years in the game, it’s hard to determine which Box Logo T-shirts and hoodies are best to invest in—either as a collector or, positively or negatively, as a reseller. We dove deep into our marketplace data from both 2019 and 2020 to dig up the top five best Box Logo T-shirts and Box Logo hoodies that have the greatest average percent markup, when compared to their retail price.
Read on to discover what Box Logos will bring the best return on investment.